Master of Science in Exercise Physiology (MSc)



Exercise physiology is a unique field within physiology that focuses on physical activity and exercise in different sects of the population; from top performance athletes, to patients in need of preventive and rehabilitative care. As such, exercise physiology has a wide impact on public health.


Exercise physiology research is unique, combining integrative knowledge of cellular level mechanisms related to physical activity, and understanding whole-body physiological processes.

These two levels of research allow for a deep understanding of the processes associated with normal functioning of the body's systems, performance improvement, injury prevention, and physical activity performed under extreme environmental conditions.

Exercise physiology research allows for the development of programs to expand athletes' physical capacity, training programs for healthy populations as a form of primary prevention, and dedicated rehabilitation programs as a form of secondary prevention.

Program faculty members deal with basic and applied studies of different populations within the broad aspects of exercise physiology, sports medicine, rehabilitation and lifestyle research.

The program is intended for students with undergraduate degrees in physical education and students with a background in the health professions, medical or life sciences who wish to enrich their education in exercise physiology.

Applicants with degrees in other fields will also be considered.

The exercise physiology degree program includes participation in mandatory and elective courses. The program is a research-based program and requires all students to write a thesis. Students without suitable background in life sciences will be required to complete supplementary courses.


Program Objectives:

Providing in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and practical scientific elements of exercise physiology.

Teaching research method skills and particularly in exercise physiology and sports medicine, including proficiency in physiological tests using advanced instrumentation.

Teaching students to engage in basic, applied, rehabilitative, and health promotion research, and performance improvement for athletes. Program graduates will be able to integrate into the practical and research parts of the workforce in various institutions or pursue academic careers. 

Encouraging research as a basis for behavior change to prevent human morbidity.

Learning high-level scientific writing and critical evaluation of research findings. 


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